[liberationtech] 13 years in the making...

Julian Oliver julian at julianoliver.com
Tue Dec 31 12:48:38 PST 2013

..on Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 03:02:28PM -0500, Sascha Meinrath wrote:
> Hi all,
> Commotion v1.0 is out!  Helping spread safe, secure, ubiquitous wireless
> connectivity for all:  http://www.newamerica.org/node/99668
> We've come such a helluva long way from our humble Y2K beginnings of a group of
> hackers meeting up in my living room... But, as Samuel Johnson once said, "Great
> works are performed not by strength but by perseverance" (that and an incredibly
> talented and dedicated team ;).
> Now we just need to spread the word to all our Internet Freedom-loving peeps.

Great stuff! I've been following the project and look forward to trialing it.

Reading your About page (not the FAQ), I feel it's a little misleading to say
"Commotion is a free, open-source communication tool". Rather, it's a platform
built atop (leveraging) a wide array of external, community-developed projects -
from B.A.T.M.A.N/OpenMesh, OpenWrt to OpenBTS and more.

Keep up the good work in 2014!

Julian Oliver

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