[liberationtech] Authenticating SSL certificates via QR codes?

Uncle Zzzen unclezzzen at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 12:17:40 PST 2013

On 30 December 2013 02:28, Natanael <natanael.l at gmail.com> wrote:

> Your certainly can, and the easiest way is with SSH, and then there are
> other options like I2P with the minimum tunnel length, and there's
> pagekite.
> Pagekite wouldn't help if there's no Internet connection, and anyway - I
don't think I could buy an SSL certificate for myname.pagekite.
I didn't understand how ssh or i2p could help, especially if you want
non-geeks to use the service.

It's already pretty complex as it is, but could somehow fit on a flier:

   - Install the plugin [if it's your first time. BTW, this is the only
   part that requires Internet connection]
   - Connect to [QR code of WiFi]
   - Browse to [QR code of https url]
   - Verify the SSL key with [QR code of fingerprint]

For many users, even this may be too much. If you add SSH or I2P to the
mix, I'm not sure how many people would be able to use those services at
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