[liberationtech] ​​2013 SSN Annual Book Prize: Social Media as Surveillance

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Dec 22 13:00:04 PST 2013

From: David Murakami Wood <dmw at queensu.ca>

2013 SSN Annual Book Prize, for the best surveillance studies monograph 
published in 2012, has been awarded to Dr 
Daniel Trottier for '
Social Media as Surveillance' (Ashgate, 2012). 

According to this year's judges:

"In reaching their decision, the judges noted that 'Social Media as 
Surveillance' stands as a challenge to many commonly-held assumptions about 
privacy in an age of social media, and that it is likely to appeal to a 
wide audience outside of surveillance studies. The judges were also 
impressed by the author's success in eliciting valuable information from 
his interviewees, and the insights provided by his empirical data more 
generally. It is clearly a work that shed substantial light on a much 
talked about but under-researched topic."

The shortlist this year was:

   - Thomas Allmer, *Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance in 
   Informational Capitalism* (Peter Lang)
   - David Barnard-Wills, *Surveillance and Identity* (Ashgate)
   - Julie Cohen, *Configuring the Networked Self* (Yale)
   - Sebastien Lefait, *Surveillance on Screen* (Scarecrow / Rowman & 
   - Daniel Trottier*, Social Media as Surveillance* (Ashgate)

Congratulations to them all, and particularly to Dr Trottier.

   David Murakami Wood
Surveillance & Society
dmw at queensu.ca
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