[liberationtech] Save the date: RightsCon Silicon Valley - March 3rd-5th, 2014

Brett Solomon brett at accessnow.org
Fri Dec 20 08:50:24 PST 2013

Dear Libtech --

As you may know, RightsCon Silicon Valley <http://rightscon.org> is taking
place March 3-5 in San Francisco.

This is an opportunity for different communities to come together -
technologists, companies, activists, investors, engineers and governments -
to discuss the tensions and opportunities at the intersection of human
rights and the internet.

Early bird tickets can be purchased here on the site: rightscon.org

Speakers to date include: *John Donahoe* (President & CEO, eBay*); Alaa Abd
El Fattah *(one of Egypt's most respected activists and software engineers
(currently detained)); *Jim Cowie *(CTO, Renesys); *Rebecca
MacKinnon*(Ranking Digital Rights); *Brad
Burnham* (Union Square Ventures); *Chris Riley* (Senior Policy Engineer,
Mozilla); *Del Harvey* (Senior Director, Twitter); *Michael Posner* (NYU
Professor of Business and Society);* Eileen Donahoe* (former U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Council);  *Jillian York* (Director for
International Freedom of Expression, EFF); *Moez Chakchouk* (founder of
Maghreb's first IXP) and many more. *This list is growing daily.*

The program is open to submissions, and we're looking to you to help shape
the agenda. We're encouraging
submissions<https://www.rightscon.org/submit-a-session/why/>on the
following themes:

   - Measuring and preventing risk in the ICT sector
   - Tech solutions for human rights challenges
   - Innovations in digital rights
   - Internet governance reform
   - Restoring rights in the age of surveillance.

The deadline for submissions for sessions is nominally today but we're
accepting proposals till December 31st. If you have questions, check out
rightscon.org, or email Rian Wanstreet rian at accessnow.org.

*The program committee includes:* Collin Anderson (researcher); Dan
Meredith (Open Tech Fund); Hisham Almiraat (Global Voices); Jamie Tomasello
(CloudFlare); Joe McNamee (European Digital Rights); Mike Masnick
(Floor64); Morgan Marquis Boire (Google/Citizen Lab); Pranesh Prakash (CIS
India); Ron Deibert (Citizen Lab) and more

For those of you who have participated in RightsCon in Silicon Valley or
Rio in the past, we look forward to seeing you again!


Brett Solomon
Executive Director | Access
Key ID: 0x312B641A
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