[liberationtech] Website censorship in the US

Griffin Boyce griffin at cryptolab.net
Wed Dec 18 10:09:21 PST 2013

Maxim Kammerer wrote:
> The server farm where Liberté Linux site is hosted is apparently
> blocked by AT&T in the USA. Isn't this unusual?

   Are websites being censored in the US? Yes. Is yours? Unlikely -- 
looks like it was lumped in with servers flagged for spam/malware activity.

   Improper website seizures have been ongoing for years, along with 
threats of legal action to service providers.  It's typically aimed at 
those who are perceived to have limited power to fight back (hiphop 
blogs, small email providers).  And if a service provider *does* decide 
to fight back, their hosting provider can be pressured into refusing 
them service, they can have serious trouble finding attorneys, and the 
whole process of protecting their property can bankrupt them.  Most 
people don't fight back for long, if at all.

   Digital censorship is alive and well in the United States.


Orwellian in the streets.
Foucauldian in the sheets.

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