[liberationtech] Solutions to surveillance, beyond tech & legal

Nick liberationtech at njw.me.uk
Wed Dec 18 07:40:02 PST 2013

Quoth Joseph Lorenzo Hall:
> Are there other kinds of normative/cultural/meme-worthy things we can
> collectively try to instill in folks?

I do think "safety" is a word we should use more often.

I really like how Schneier in the last few years has been talking 
more about how people under surveillance tend to act more 
normatively, which is crap at a societal level, but I'm not sure 
whether that could be turned into one memorable sentence. It sucks 
that we have to try and 'win' with slogans, but that's how people 
are used to political 'debate' these days. Grumble grumble...

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