[liberationtech] $10, 000 Access Facebook Award - deadline January 15th

Michael Carbone michael at accessnow.org
Mon Dec 16 11:12:24 PST 2013

The 2014 Access Facebook Award is now open for submissions!


US$10,000 will go to the project that best uses the Facebook platform to
deliver a human rights or social good outcome.

We are looking for initiatives from across the world, in all languages and
addressing the issues that are important to you and your community. The
Access Facebook Award is designed to discover and reward projects that
demonstrate unique promise, opportunity and possibility.

The deadline for submissions is January 15th. We will be awarding the prize
to the winning project at RightsCon: Silicon
Valley<https://www.rightscon.org>in March 2014.

The 2014 Access Facebook Award is part of the 2014 Access Innovation
The other innovation prize currently open for submissions is the
$50,000 Endpoint
Security Award <https://www.accessnow.org/prize>.

For information about last year's competition -- including categories,
judges, finalists, and winners -- please check out the following:


Feel free to spread widely, thanks!

Michael Carbone
Manager of Tech Policy & Programs
Access | https://www.accessnow.org

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