[liberationtech] The cost of porn censorship: Will they invest in circumvention technologies?

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) lists at infosecurity.ch
Sat Dec 14 09:14:39 PST 2013


reading that UK is starting filtering porn of any internet connection by
default as a massive censorship action
i've been thinking about the cost of that for the porn industry

Just looking at TrafficJunky, an aggregator of Youporn, PornTube and
many other popular porn websites, they display in UK 87 millions
impression a day http://marketplace.trafficjunky.net/networks .

They will loose $1.566.000 of earning each year considering an average
cost of $0.05 CPM (cost per thousands impressions).

I am wondering if, considering the losses that the internet porn
industry is going to suffer, this would not stimoulate them to invest on
anticircumventions techniques and technologies. Somehow the
technological interests of the porn industry would partialy allign
itself to the digital human rights environment working on anticensorship

Will they react proactively or will the just consider the "censored
countries" as markets not to be further developed ?


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