[liberationtech] Swedish press question: How does surveillance change the citizen's behavior?

Tessel Renzenbrink Tessel at signal7.nl
Thu Dec 12 04:40:11 PST 2013

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Hi Anders,

Not a survey but a powerful example I think is given by Glenn
Greenwald in his Critical Social Inquiry Lecture [1]. He relates
writing about Wikileaks in 2010 and at the end of the article
encouraging people to donate to WL. He then gets dozens of responses
of people saying they'd like to financially support WL but are afraid
to do so for fear of ending up on some government list.

Greenwald: [These are] "American citizens who had voluntarily
relinquished, out of fear, their own constitutional liberties, which
is what donating money to a political organization whose cause you
support is. It's free speech and free association."

[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3piCVxDII4 around the 30 minute mark.

Kind regards,

On 12/11/2013 04:34 PM, Christopher Parsons wrote:
> Hi Anders,
> There were 22 examples of organizations that have experienced
> chilling effects as a result of NSA surveillance. The various
> documents + some choice excerpts are available, here:
> https://www.eff.org/press/releases/eff-files-22-firsthand-accounts-how-nsa-surveillance-chilled-right-association
>  Cheers, Chris
> -- ************************************************* Christopher
> Parsons Postdoctoral Fellow Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global
> Affairs http://www.christopher-parsons.com 
> *************************************************
> On December 11, 2013 at 7:54:31 AM, Anders Thoresson
> (anders at thoresson.net) wrote:
> I'm a swedish freelance reporter. Presently, I'm doing research for
> an article about how surveillance changes the behavior of the
> citizens. What my editor want my story to answer is essence one
> question, but a large one: "How does mass-surveillance like what's
> exposed by Edward Snowden change how people use the Internet?"
> Finding theoretical discussions isn't hard. What I'm trying to find
> is recent research that is based on real-life observations (or
> similar) how this actually happens. The PEN America's report is one
> good example[1], but I would also like to have research based on a
> wider demography, not well known authors and journalists.
> I understand that there hasn't gone long enough to do actual
> studies based on what has happened since Snowden's leaks, so what
> I'm looking for is studies that look into other kinds of online
> surveillance.
> I'm thankful for any pointers.
> [1] – http://www.pen.org/chilling-effects
> Best regards, Anders Thoresson http://anders.thoresson.se 
> http://www.dn.se/blogg/teknikbloggen http://twitter.com/thoresson
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