[liberationtech] Fwd: [Sdi-latinamericacaribbean] Nicaragua: company convicted of theft of restricted cadastral information

Bruce Potter at IRF bpotter at irf.org
Thu Dec 5 12:44:05 PST 2013

Cautionary thoughts in the Age of Open Data  -- except in despotic or paranoid regimes.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kate Lance <klance_remote at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [Sdi-latinamericacaribbean] Nicaragua: company convicted of theft of restricted cadastral information
> Date: December 5, 2013 12:52:59 PM EST
> To: SDI-legal-socioecon <legal-socioecon at lists.gsdi.org>, SDI-LAC <sdi-latinamericacaribbean at lists.gsdi.org>
> Reply-To: Kate Lance <lancekt at aya.yale.edu>
> Condenados por sustracción de información restringida
> http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/sucesos/303713-condenados-sustraccion-de-informacion-restringida
> Nicaragua: company convicted of theft of restricted cadastral information (article in Spanish)
> December 2, 2013: On charges of disclosing confidential information and providing public access to classified information, Tosca Alexandra Altamirano Barreda, who works for the Nicaraguan Institute of Land Studies (INETER), could spend eight years in prison, while Tupac Amaru Aguilar Beteta who also worked for that institution, could face a sentence of five years.
> The conviction for both former employees of the Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies, was issued by the Tenth District Criminal Trial Judge of the capital, Nancy Aguirre.
> According to the prosecution, Tupac Amaru Aguilar was found guilty of influence peddling, because was using his personal relationship with Tosca Altamirano to get INETER's cadastral information.
> The stolen classified information (cadastral survey plans, cadastral data of special areas of border protection and cadastral records of state property), which is confidential and only the state can handle, was used by Aguilar Altamirano and the company created by them, called "TGA, SA", which provided surveying services. The two also appropriated aerial and satellite photos of state properties.
> The sentencing for defendants was scheduled for court next Friday at 10:00 am.
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bpotter at irf.org

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