[liberationtech] scrambler

Sandy Harris sandyinchina at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 20:52:48 PDT 2013

Michael Hicks <scramblerencryption at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thank you so much we appreciate your opinion and facts. would you have any
> recommendations?

Start by reading up on one-time pads.

Probably the best source is Marcus Ranum's FAQ:

Another, partly my writing:

>> The author doesn't understand how to construct one-time pads, and flouts
>> the most important rule of using them. Avoid this software like the
>> plague.


Also, even if you get the OTP part of it right, there are still problems.

One is that the system gives no protection against traffic analysis,
collection & use of what has being called metadata in recent news

Another is that, while an OTP system is provably perfectly secure
against simple eavesdropping, it is inherently vulnerable to a
rewrite attack:

Finally, there are a whole lot of questions about things like how
you generate the random numbers, how a customer can be
sure his java app is not tampered with, etc. Quickly perusing
your web site, I do not see answers for those.

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