[liberationtech] Why_can't_email_be_secure

adrelanos adrelanos at riseup.net
Mon Aug 26 10:49:10 PDT 2013

> **why not instead focus on building low latency protocols
> that are resistant to traffic analysis and confirmation?**
> make them datagram based; utilize user space stacks and latest
> research.  solving the low latency datagram anonymity problem enables
> existing usable private communication with the additional benefit of
> endpoint and peer anonymity.
> i believe this possible to make useful, even if never infallible.
> certainly more possible than the odds of making truly scalable,
> available, and _usable_ mix mailer networks and clients for the
> masses.
> most important: make this low latency infrastructure usable and cross
> platform, so the implementations are easily adopted... like Napster
> and BitTorrent back in the day. ;)

Unrealistic, isn't it? Who could possibly pay for design, implementation
and maintenance? Look how many millions The Tor Project received over
the last years. [1]

To no avail. Fixing confirmation attacks or other hard anonymity
problems still isn't on the horizon.

I am happy to be proven wrong, but not positive that this will happen.

[1] https://www.torproject.org/about/sponsors.html.en

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