[liberationtech] NSA revelations are about capabilities...not intentions

Case Black caseblack at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 18:43:27 PDT 2013

It's instructive to look at the history of America's original surveillance
program, its 223 year old US Census program.

There are rigorous laws against government abuse of census data[1][2] going
back over 200 years. In addition, during each 10-year census period there
are earnest advertising campaigns of shameless dis-information assuring
American citizens that their census data will remain absolutely
confidential and out of reach of all other US Government agencies[3] (worth
looking specifically at the 2000 ad campaign image referenced here).

Actual history is quite different. At least three times in US history, US
Census data has been abused on a massive scale for direct military or
police action against US citizens. Each time it was justified by pointing
to extraordinary events that "demanded" its use.

In 1864, after General Sherman took Atlanta and destroyed the city of
Atlanta, he ordered US Census records for the states he intended to
campaign through on his famed "March to the Sea" to sent by train to his
headquarters outside Atlanta. His operational planners sifted through the
census records to determine where the richest farms and largest storehouses
were located to plan the routing of their Savannah Campaign[4].

Eighty years later in 1942, US Census records were used to identify the
residential addresses of all Americans that had declared Japanese (as well
as German and Italian) ancestory on their 1940 Census forms. The
information was used by FBI and local law enforcement for the round up and
placement of over 140,000 people into detention camps of which over 120,000
were US citizens[5][6].

And sixty years later in 2002 came the most recent abuse of US Census data
when the Census Bureau handed over information that had been collected
about Arab-Americans during the 2000 Census to the FBI and Homeland


What is clear is that as long as the capabilities to amass data exists,
there will be repeated abuses of that data. Furthermore, that abuse will
almost always be in the form of repressive military and police actions
against that nation's own citizens without regard to laws, constitutions or
"intentions"[8]. We have far more to fear than the terrorists...




[5] JR Minkel (March 30, 2007). Confirmed: The U.S. Census Bureau Gave Up
Names of Japanese-Americans in WW II. Scientific American
[6] Haya El Nasser (March 30, 2007). "Papers show Census role in WWII
camps". USA Today

[7] http://epic.org/privacy/census/foia/
[8] http://www.toad.com/gnu/census.html
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