[liberationtech] Bradley Manning's sentence: 35 years for exposing us to the truth

Mike Perry mikeperry at torproject.org
Wed Aug 21 15:15:53 PDT 2013

Thus spake Tom O (winterfilth at gmail.com):

> To be honest, this was probably the best he could have hoped for.
> He was facing 90. He got 35 with parole after 12.
> It's shit, but not as shit as the other options.
> If Snowden gets captured, you can bet he will be getting much much worse.

This would be really unfortunate, especially since by any objective
measure Snowden has been significantly more careful with what he's
allowed to be revealed than Manning was. Thankfully, public opinion also
seems to indicate that most people understand this effort on Snowden's
part, despite the media circus.

Even still, I am not in the "Snowden would get a fair trial in the US"
camp, either.

I am also worried by the fact that the lawlessness of the gangster
governments that most Western democracies have devolved into has
necessitated this whole insurance file business again. Let's hope at
least that bit works out better this time, for everyone involved.

Mike Perry

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