[liberationtech] Bradley Manning's sentence: 35 years for exposing us to the truth

Sana Saleem sana at bolobhi.org
Wed Aug 21 13:15:17 PDT 2013

Even a large segment of media discourse seems to dwell on "his choice of
destination". Rather than focus largely on the issues he exposed. The
repercussions of NSA revelations are heavily influencing discourse in other
countries esp Pakistan. Where we first heard "look at china progressing
despite censorship" now we hear "United States does it, how do you expect
us not to?"

More broadly it seems non US citizens do not even exist. Even the
discussions on NSA violations have largely been focused on how US is spying
on its own people. I as a brown woman in Pakistan do not exist. Tragic,
shameful and appalling.

Director, Bolo Bhi, Advocacy-Policy-Research [http://bolobhi.org]
Blogger: Dawn.com [http://blog.dawn.com/author/sana-saleem/]
Global Voices: [http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/sana-saleem/]
The Guardian:[ www.guardian.co.uk/profile/sana-saleem]
Blog: http://sanasaleem.com] Twitter: @sanasaleem<http://twitter.com/sanasaleem>
 @bolobhi  <http://bolobhi.org/>

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Tom O <winterfilth at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's for his choice in destinations that will get him worse. Aiding the
> enemy could be politically sensitive. Do you really want to call China &
> Russia the enemy?
> Prosecution and conviction under the espionage act is a given.
> I suspect his trial won't be as open as Mannings.
> On Thursday, August 22, 2013, Sana Saleem wrote:
>> If Snowden gets captured, you can bet he will be getting much much worse
>> It's extremely sad that not many people realize that, the discourse
>> critiquing snowden for his 'choice' destinations is appalling.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Director, Bolo Bhi, Advocacy-Policy-Research [http://bolobhi.org]
>> Blogger: Dawn.com [http://blog.dawn.com/author/sana-saleem/]
>> Global Voices: [http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/sana-saleem/]
>> The Guardian:[ www.guardian.co.uk/profile/sana-saleem]
>> Blog: http://sanasaleem.com] Twitter: @sanasaleem<http://twitter.com/sanasaleem>
>>  @bolobhi  <http://bolobhi.org/>
>> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:03 AM, Tom O <winterfilth at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If Snowden gets captured, you can bet he will be getting much much worse
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