[liberationtech] FYI: SXSW proposed panel discussion

Nicholas Merrill lists at calyx.com
Tue Aug 20 12:32:13 PDT 2013

  NSA and the future of web users and web companies

On Thursday, June 6, 2013, the PRISM story broke, shattering any trust
we had in the US government with regards to online privacy. At a
pinnacle point in technological advancement, the tech industry is now
faced with the prospect of National Security Letters, data subpoenas and
constant privacy and security concerns from customers. This panel will
be a frank discussion about the NSA, online surveillance, and the
privacy expectations from the perspective of both web users and web
companies. This will be a conversation that presents the societal
benefits of network analysis alongside the fears and concerns.

    Questions Answered

 1. What to do when you receive a National Security Letter
 2. How to handle your customers' and users' questions and concerns
 3. How to protect your customers and users
 4. What you can do to protect your business
 5. What to expect from the NSA in the future


  * Matthew Prince CloudFlare <https://www.cloudflare.com/>
  * Nicholas Merrill The Calyx Institute <https://calyxinstitute.org/>
  * Cesar Hidalgo MIT <http://chidalgo.com/index.html>
  * Brad Burnham Union Square Ventures <http://www.usv.com/>


Kristin Tarr CloudFlare <https://www.cloudflare.com/>

        Cast Your Vote:   http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/23181

Nicholas Merrill
Executive Director
The Calyx Institute
287 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013

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