[liberationtech] Seeing threats, feds target instructors of polygraph-beating methods

R. Jason Cronk rjc at privacymaverick.com
Tue Aug 20 09:22:33 PDT 2013

Speech in an of itself is generally not target-able. However, speech 
that accompanies some action can be. Someone saying "I'm going to shoot 
the president" might get you a visit from the Secret Service but not 
arrested. Someone saying that and buying a gun and flying to D.C. could 
actually get prosecuted, even if they posed no real threat.

Here, it isn't so much the speech that is being targeted. If he is 
teaching people how to lie to Federal prosecutors and he knows that they 
are going to lie to Federal prosecutors he is aiding in the commission 
of a crime. However, just publishing a book on techniques or even 
teaching someone without knowing that they are potentially to be 
questioned/interrogated, then no crime has been committed.

Jason Cronk

On 8/19/2013 10:42 PM, Tom Ritter wrote:
> I'm trying to think of how you could prosecute free speech (in the
> US).  It's not illegal to talk about how to use rusty nails to create
> themite - that's been in the Anarchist Cookbook for years.  It's a
> somewhat fine line between "X should be killed" and "incitement to
> murder" but as all the Assange and Snowden press has shown, that's not
> a great indicator.  I don't _think_ nuclear secrets is actually
> protected, it's just that the individuals who know about them are
> contracted/NDA-ed/under classified restrictions.
> ESPECIALLY when polygraphs aren't actually accepted by the courts, as
> far as I know.
> /sigh
> "So far, authorities have targeted at least two instructors, one of
> whom has pleaded guilty to federal charges, several people familiar
> with the investigation told McClatchy."
> Love to know the inside details of the person who pleaded guilty, and why.
> -tom

*R. Jason Cronk, Esq., CIPP/US*
/Privacy Engineering Consultant/, *Enterprivacy Consulting Group* 

  * phone: (828) 4RJCESQ
  * twitter: @privacymaverick.com
  * blog: http://blog.privacymaverick.com

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