[liberationtech] Fwd: Avaaz in "grave danger" due to GMail spam filters

Tom O winterfilth at gmail.com
Sun Aug 18 18:31:35 PDT 2013

In an ideal world, decentralise of course. Unfortunately we dont live in an
ideal world. We live in a world of whatever is convenient at the time.

Most of those supporters that it was mass emailed to signed up once to add
their signature to a Save the "name your outrage here" movement. I bet a
majority don't even pay attention to those Avaaz emails now anyway. They
clicked their button, they accomplished their slacktivism and that was that.

Trying to get them to change their email service, I'd say thats harder than
trying to get some of the change they are trying to provoke in people.

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Moritz Bartl <moritz at torservers.net> wrote:

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Avaaz in "grave danger" due to GMail spam filters
> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 23:48:58 +0200
> From: rysiek <rysiek at hackerspace.pl>
> Organization: Warsaw Hackerspace
> To: cypherpunks at cpunks.org
> I happen to be on Avaaz's info distribution list, and I got an e-mail
> lately
> that Avaaz is in "grave danger" as GMail will now filter mailings like that
> out to a separate folder for similar spam-ish (yet not spam per se)
> mailings.
> So what they're asking people to do is to reply directly to that e-mail, so
> that GMail will note that Avaaz's mailings are not to be messed around
> with.
> Instead of telling people, you know, to decentralise and use other, smaller
> providers.
> I facepalmed so hard I could cry. It's Stockholm Syndrome if I ever saw
> one.
> "GMail fucks us in the arse, so let's ask them politely to use some
> lubricant".
> My question is: does *anybody* on this list have some kind of contact
> within
> Avaaz? I'd *love* to talk to them about it. It's simply disingenuous to do
> such a campaign and *not* at least signal "oh and by the way, had we all
> been
> still using different, dispersed, decentralised e-mail services we wouldn't
> get even close to having this problem".
> --
> Pozdr
> rysiek
> --
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