[liberationtech] We'll make ourselves a GNU Internet.. GADS, PSYC, distributed search
carlo von lynX
lynX at time.to.get.psyced.org
Thu Aug 15 00:38:36 PDT 2013
You broke the Internet.
We'll make ourselves a GNU one.
This is the video from the talks given by Christian Grothoff, Carlo
von lynX, Jacob Appelbaum and Richard Stallman in Berlin on August 1st.
The talks are in English, even though the welcoming words are in German.
Christian Grothoff's talk summarized the recent revelations about PRISM
and their implications for non-American citizens, industries and
governments. It then presented technical solutions towards a secure
and fully decentralized future Internet, which would address key challenges
for self-determined life created by the world-wide police state.
Interesting details on this:
- A new cryptographic method for a privacy-capable DNS/DNSSEC
replacement, called GADS.
- A faster and smarter extensible messaging syntax than XML
and JSON, called PSYC.
- A strategy for distributed and liberated Internet search,
called RegEx.
Carlo von lynX gave a presentation on how secushare intends to provide
messaging and Facebook-like functionality on top of GNUnet.
Keywords: Scalability by multicast;
Social graph vs. Onion routing;
Unsafety of your own server.
Richard Stallman and Jacob Appelbaum added closing notes of free
software and free hardware and responded to questions.
It's not about how much you want to make
believe you got nothing to hide. It's about your
civic duty to not be a predictable populace.
Big thanks to the Pirate Party for providing the venue and the
recording technology.
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