[liberationtech] [Dewayne-Net] Are Hackers the Next Bogeyman Used to Scare Americans Into Giving Up More Rights?

The Doctor drwho at virtadpt.net
Wed Aug 14 12:42:45 PDT 2013

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On 08/13/2013 05:37 PM, Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb wrote:
> Haven't "hackers" always been portrayed in a way to scare people? *
> If it's not dDoSing script kiddies, its zombie network owning
> Latvian mafias..

Or SysOPs using their BBSes to move satellites around.  I still have
that bit of comedy gold tacked to the wall in my office.

> If this *is* the case, how can General Alexander go to Blackhat
> 2013 and say (paraphrasing) "we (CIA) use the same tools as you do.
> Help us
protect America
> by teaching us rad haxoring skills."?

Statistically speaking, a small number of people in the audience at
Blackhat watching him are likely to throw their hats and CVs into the
ring for a chance at a job.  It probably wouldn't have the greatest
success rate, but anymore any help one can get is welcome.

- -- 
The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS]
Developer, Project Byzantium: http://project-byzantium.org/

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WWW: https://drwho.virtadpt.net/

"That which doesn not kill us makes us stranger." --Trevor Goodchild

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