[liberationtech] Internet Policy Observatory: Call for Proposals

Collin Anderson collin at averysmallbird.com
Tue Aug 13 10:45:27 PDT 2013

Libtech -- This might be promising for the academics and researchers
amongst us.


Internet Policy Observatory: Call for Proposals

The Center for Global Communication Studies (CGCS) at the Annenberg School
for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, announces a call for
proposals under its Internet Policy Observatory (IPO). One of the goals of
IPO is helping to develop a broad understanding of the conditions,
processes and stakeholders that drive the development of Internet policies
in pivotal countries, and of how those conditions influence developments at
the regional and international levels.

Proposals should address one or both of the two RFPs described below:

* Internet Policy Observatory Regional Hub Grants
* Internet Policy Observatory Thematic Grants

Internet Policy Observatory – Regional Hub Grant

The objective of this Call is to add to a global network of Regional Hubs
supporting Internet policy research with specific regional perspectives.
The purpose of these grants is to encourage research from a variety of
disciplines to help further understanding on how global Internet policies

This Call is open to persons and organizations who are particularly
interested in Internet policy research, and who are based in countries that
are located within (1) Latin America & Caribbean, (2) Middle-East and North
Africa[1], (3) South & South-East Asia[2] / Pacific (4) Central Asia[3](5)
East Asia[4] (6) Sub-Saharan Africa.

Research groups, universities, and civil society organizations which
already have research programs on Internet policy issues in the relevant
countries and regions are particularly encouraged to apply. Beneficiaries
of related, but different grants awarded under the Internet Policy
Observatory may also apply to this call.

Eligible proposals should address four core deliverables (Please view the
full RFP for complete descriptions of deliverables):

1. Hub Study: The Internet Policy Observatory welcomes proposals that seek
to investigate Internet policy issues within specific countries within a
region, or alternatively the region as a whole. Potential topics to
consider range across the wider field of Internet policy, including, but
are not limited to, issues of Internet governance, Internet filtration and
censorship, implications of military and security services activities and
concerns on policy development, to name but a few examples.

2. Hub Survey: Proposals should speak to the organization’s capacity to
carry out qualitative and quantitative research. As part of the Internet
Policy Observatory’s effort to create a global Delphi (expert) survey on
Internet policy formation, organizations will be expected to incorporate a
strategy for the creation and implementation of regional surveys.

3. Hub View: A key task of the Regional Hubs is to regularly provide news
on Internet-policy-relevant developments within their region to the IPO

4. Hub Action: Each Regional Hub should also propose further, regional
specific activity – such as local conferences or workshops – that can be
financed directly from the Grant or might be financed from other sources.

Grants are expected to be USD 20,000-40,000 per application selected.

Applications should be submitted by 5pm EST on September 15, 2013.

Click here for the full RFP, including information about eligibility,
deliverables, submission guidelines, and award criteria.

Internet Policy Observatory Thematic Grants

The objective of this Call is to encourage research by individuals and
institutions particularly interested in Internet policy issues.

This Call is open to persons and organizations who are particularly
interested in Internet policy research and who are based in key
countries/regions or led by a consortium that is located within the key

Research groups and civil society organizations which already have research
programs on Internet policy issues in the relevant countries and regions
are particularly encouraged to apply. Fluency in English is required both
for research and relevant administration tasks.

The thematic focus of the proposals may include, but is not limited to, one
of the general areas (for full descriptions, please view the full RFP.

* Technical developments and Internet policy
* Governance and Internet policy
* Internet policy and Internet/cyberspace ownership
* Social media and Internet policy
* The socio-economic impact of Internet policy
* The language of Internet Policy

Applications should be submitted by 5pm EST on September 15, 2013.

Click here for the full RFP, including information about eligibility,
deliverables, submission guidelines, and award criteria.

For more information, please direct comments and questions to
internetpolicy at asc.upenn.edu

*Collin David Anderson*
averysmallbird.com | @cda | Washington, D.C.
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