[liberationtech] Swiss VPNs

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Tue Aug 13 06:25:45 PDT 2013

On 13.08.2013 14:20, taxakis wrote:
> Oligarchs and privacy advocates have something in common.  
> If you got a better place, please name it.  

I don't. I still believe we should stop being naive and promote Iceland
or Switzerland, just because we think they offer better privacy. In
general, just because you read something in the news, don't just believe it.

I never said Germany was a better place.

Yes, I should have quotable sources at hand, but at the moment I don't.
A good address for a more detailed answer would be the Chaos Computer
Club Switzerland, http://www.ccc-ch.ch/ , and, for Iceland, try the
people behind IMMI, https://immi.is/ .

The interesting part about Iceland is that there is a slight chance of
*making it* a privacy-friendly jurisdiction. It is not, yet. If media
always convey the picture of a privacy-friendly country, its own
politicians will start believing it and fight for it, hopefully.

Moritz Bartl

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