[liberationtech] Is spideroak really zero-knowledge?

Tom O winterfilth at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 22:16:11 PDT 2013


>From https://spideroak.com/mobile

How Mobile Works with SpiderOak’s Zero Knowledge Policy

Here's the deal: when accessing your data via the SpiderOak website or on a
mobile device you must enter your password. The password will then exist in
the SpiderOak server memory for the duration of your browsing session. For
this amount of time your password is stored in encrypted memory and never
written to an unencrypted disk. The moment your browsing session ends your
password is destroyed and no further trace is left.

The instance above represents the only situation where your data could
potentially be readable to someone with access to the SpiderOak servers.
That said, no one except a select number of SpiderOak employees will ever
have access to the SpiderOak servers. To fully retain our 'zero-knowledge'
privacy, we recommend you always access your data via the SpiderOak desktop
application which downloads your data before decrypting it locally."

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 3:10 PM, Percy Alpha <percyalpha at gmail.com> wrote:

> Spideroak claims to use client-side encryption for desktop client but
> doesn't not use zero-knowledge password proof for mobile Apps or website
> portal.
> In light of Lavabit, spideroak could also forced to intercept password if
> users ever use mobile Apps or website login while being gagged . Then all
> encrypted data will be retroactively compromised.
> Percy Alpha(PGP <https://en.greatfire.org/contact#alt>)
> GreatFire.org Team
> --
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