[liberationtech] In defense of client-side encryption

Ali-Reza Anghaie ali at packetknife.com
Mon Aug 12 15:07:36 PDT 2013

I'm sorry but aren't we spending a lot of time conflating code
quality, secure coding practices, software distribution, .. with
~JavaScript in a browser~?

There are alternate pathways, signed and delivered as a Dashboard
widget via the Apple App Store for example.

I'm not proposing ~that~ as *wipes hands* and we're done. I'm just
saying if you think the tool is useful and JavaScript is currently
dominating a lot of areas (Gnome's shift is another place) - isn't it
prudent to start developing the bullet list of how to make JavaScript
applications acceptable for these tasks?

Also - didn't Fabio and OpenPGPjs folks put a lot of time into
consolidating and suggesting defensible JavaScript practices in
various environments on various devices?

Also also - there was a conjecture made that "The code signing system
could require the signature of more than one entity. For example, it
could require a signature from the web site owner as well as
signatures from any number of reputable security auditing companies
and security researchers." - but I'm not sure how this would work in
operations practice. Thoughts on that? (Source:

Anyhow, I'm not suggesting I like the nature of the project or any of
this is a good idea - but a lot of the criticisms seem to hold
~everywhere~ with bad practice and not JavaScript itself. So I'm
curious.. -Ali

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 5:04 PM, danimoth <danimoth at cryptolab.net> wrote:
> On 12/08/13 at 02:58pm, Francisco Ruiz wrote:
>> Thanks for a thoughtful and extensive reply. Let me see if I'm
>> understanding your position correctly.
> [snip, snip, snip]
>> So, trusting the OS but not trusting the browser seems to me a curious case
>> of double standard. They are made by the same companies, after all.
> Trusting the browser in respect to trusting the OS implies adding a lot
> more hypotesis on the stack, in order to define properties of your
> software. To be clear, trusting the browser strictly contains
> trusting the OS, and in my humble point of view, if I need to choose,
> I choose fewer hypotesis. In my rescue, there is the fact that actually
> *no state-of-art solutions* exists for web cryptography (is that word
> right? or it is a no-sense?). To reach this point, proposals should be
> made, and yours is one approach to evaluate, but (personally) I don't
> like selling advertisement based on nothing.
> In conclusion, if you really trust IE x.0 to execute your code,
> you're welcome; I generally don't trust it even for viewing
> web sites :-)
> Users at this point have a lot of resources to check to make their own
> opinion, I'm feeling fine with myself.
> Have a nice day
> --
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