[liberationtech] From Snowden's email provider. NSL???

Ben Laurie ben at links.org
Sat Aug 10 15:41:45 PDT 2013

On 10 August 2013 16:43, Michael Rogers <michael at briarproject.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 09/08/13 17:43, Reed Black wrote:
>> CryptoCat is served up by the Chrome app store. Do you have
>> control over what binary gets distributed to who? Does any assurace
>> exist beyond the app store's own signing validation?
>> I thought this was like webmasters and third-party script
>> inclusions. They will be blind if Google or DoubleClick are
>> compelled to selectively swap out the scripts they serve to
>> millions of third-party sites.
> If we assume that app stores aren't going away any time soon, we need
> to address this problem: How can a user who downloads an app from an
> app store be satisfied that it was built from published source code?
> We might also think about how to solve the problem for apps downloaded
> through browsers.
> Verifiable builds are necessary but not sufficient here - they allow
> an expert auditor to tell whether the binary she downloaded was built
> from the published source, but an attacker might target the binaries
> downloaded by certain other users without alerting the auditor. So we
> also need a way for a non-expert user to tell whether the binary she
> downloaded matches the one that was audited.
> PGP signatures and hashes aren't currently usable by non-experts, and
> signatures or hashes published through the same channel as the binary
> can be tampered with in the same way as the binary.
> Something along the lines of Certificate Transparency might be useful
> here: a public log of software names, versions, and hashes, which a
> browser or other download tool can use to verify downloaded binaries
> without any manual steps needing to be taken by the user. Software
> publishers would be responsible for adding entries to the log for
> their own software and monitoring the log for entries added by anyone
> else.

FWIW, the Certificate Transparency code already has (primitive)
support for Binary Transparency:

Patches, as always, welcome.

> Cheers,
> Michael
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> Bs/eOnr/+/oTvjVJc/OJvcSHXWr8ne97N3kGzBrQsS6HdiDoxZdUMC/9S+WGLQuG
> boMD1MJH2qpPQzA7yG0ZDKWUodg+IvHZosC50ahC+su6zZ176Ic/8v4zzDDxnzF5
> zLqtY/jhZSrvmdaWixx4yznmrWbOXo1zxb+ulSDZWZ4TIHZKC+890d4CVGDzFNjY
> Yzyz0E3BRX7Ctkbt2dW/EqhBPKsG0FtMzwCsFMa6xPIUp5Ykf0YpQ0WF4n/sTJaO
> 8bY3HyAtxBAma/gZccDLP1OEkjPdaf27cxJNbcSoAYeKy4cqCOMWWXL/gLbuZqo=
> =QkIa
> --
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