[liberationtech] Lavabit, Silent Circle both shut down

Arjen Kamphuis arjen at gendo.ch
Sat Aug 10 12:54:26 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA1

Hi Ralph,

On 08/10/2013 06:48 PM, Ralph Holz wrote:
> On 08/10/2013 05:37 PM, Arjen Kamphuis wrote:
>> There are many high quality hosting providers in Switserland who 
>> do great work at a range of cost-levels. I moved my mailserver
>> to one of them in early 2006 when it data-retention was on its
>> way to be implemented in Europe in the wake of the London
>> Bombings. Germany has since abolished data-retention because it
>> is not compatible with their constitution so that might also be a
>> place worth looking at.
> This is interesting as I recall some year ago it was still said
> that their VPN providers logged the connections going through them.
> Do you know if that is still the case?

I'm sure some of them will. Could not talk about any specific cases
(i'm not privvy to any operational info). Would never completly trust
any single company to not do some logging. But you can ask what their
policy is and ask to have that in writing. You should not rely on a
single company for all VPN connections. Have alternatives ready to go
or mix & match, preferbly in different countries.

I also personally prefer to actually meet the technical people of any
serviceprovider I work with, makes for much more pleasant support
relationship. This works best with smaller companies.

- -- 
Met vriendelijke groet/With kind regards,
Arjen Kamphuis
Gendo B.V.

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