[liberationtech] [guardian-dev] An email service that requires GPG/PGP?

Richard rz at linux-m68k.org
Sat Aug 10 02:55:50 PDT 2013

On Fri, Aug 09, 2013 at 05:07:26PM -0400, Tim Prepscius wrote:
> If you'd like to help me that would be cool..
> My take on this is this:  (these are are not all my ideas, can't take
> full credit)
> We want to get to a state where an e-mail server is easy to set up.
> And runs with *non governmental* issued ssl certificates.
> Where it provides web-mail (think gmail), iPhone and android.

how do you make webmail with PGP end to end encryption? I assume you
could do PGP in javascript but it would be trivially easy for the server
to steal the users secret keys in that case.


Name and OpenPGP keys available from pgp key servers

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