[liberationtech] [guardian-dev] An email service that requires GPG/PGP?

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Fri Aug 9 22:45:39 PDT 2013

On Fri, Aug 09, 2013 17:07:26 PM -0400, Tim Prepscius wrote:
> If you'd like to help me that would be cool..
> My take on this is this:  (these are are not all my ideas, can't take
> full credit)
> We want to get to a state where an e-mail server is easy to set up.

exactly (part of) what I've been proposing since 2010/11 here:


I'll restart work in september on those proposals. Any feedback/comment is welcome!



M. Fioretti http://mfioretti.com                   http://stop.zona-m.net

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