[liberationtech] An email service that requires GPG/PGP?

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 12:54:23 PDT 2013

Randolph D. wrote:
> use bitmail

Moritz Bartl wrote:
> I wrote a milter for sendmail/postfix to reject non-PGP mail that scans
> the first lines of incoming mail: https://github.com/moba/pgpmilter
Ooooh. Forked.
> My idea of a mail provider: The MX records of domains contain a list of
> different entities around the globe that accept incoming mails. The MX
> servers rejects non-PGP mail (or, alternatively, encrypts mails towards
> a user key for some addresses), and stores incoming mail in a
> distributed file system again maintained by separate entities.
> It becomes a bit hairy in the details, but can be done. How do we get
> this funded? :-)
  It can definitely be done. At the risk of getting in over my head
cost-wise, this is something I can pay for myself. Indiegogo or
accepting donations (etc) are other possibilities, but there's also
strength in not accepting that type of payment from individuals. It's
easy to be anonymous if you're not paying, and it's not a vector for
legal bullshit on the service provider's end.

  The only point I really disagree on is the filesystem being maintained
by multiple entities. It's not a bad idea, but there would have to be
major trust on both sides, and a secret legal order to one (or
extralegal pressure on another) would be tricky.

  People make for an interesting infrastructure problem.

  I'm just going to go ahead and make a new email service. Because YOLO.


"Cypherpunks write code not flame wars." --Jurre van Bergen
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