[liberationtech] Knight Mozilla Open News Fellowship

Heather Leson hleson at ushahidi.com
Thu Aug 8 09:23:41 PDT 2013

Happy August!

We are seeking an Knight Mozilla OpenNews Fellow. Ushahidi and Internews
Kenya will share the successful candidate. Some of the other Fellow hosts
include the New York Times, Pro Publica, The Texas Tribune, and La Nacion.

Applications are due on August 17th (you'll need to apply directly with the
OpenNews Folks)

Also, see the great work that the Data Science for Social Good Fellows have


Heather Leson
Director of Community Engagement
hleson at ushahidi.com
www.ushahidi.com and https://wiki.ushahidi.com
@heatherleson / skype: heatherleson
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