[liberationtech] BlackBerry and CALEA-II

Anthony anthony at cajuntechie.org
Mon Apr 29 12:52:01 PDT 2013

On 04/29/2013 02:44 PM, Griffin Boyce wrote:
> Andreas Bader <andreas.bader at nachtpult.de
> <mailto:andreas.bader at nachtpult.de>> wrote:
>     Blackberry secures the connection if other firms want to get your data.
>     If the government wants it then you should better use open source
>     encrypted  Hardware.
>     I have been a BB user for years, but there are some mail accounts that
>     are only used on my Laptop, not on the BB.
>     Andreas
>   I disagree.  Blackberry isn't openly selling your data or otherwise
> gifting it to third parties, but I don't think that's really enough.
>   To me, it's disingenuous for companies to promote secure solutions
> that they know allow some kind of backdoor access.

And, really, if there's a backdoor, the company can't really claim your
communications are secure. As someone else here said, if it's available
to them it's available to anybody. It's just a matter of someone outside
of Blackberry figuring out how to get to the communication.

Anthony Papillion

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