[liberationtech] What we can do about CISPA ?

Ahitagni Mandal ahitagni.mandal at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 23:01:11 PDT 2013


We all know about CISPA , what can we do about it? It passed the U.S.
House, and will now head to the upper Senate chamber for further
deliberation. CISPA will mean that all he top tech companies like say your
email company , your social networking company will be able to
share your private data with Government without a warrant or anything. Like
if police comes to your house the need a warrant to search, but with this
bill they can search thorough your digital data without warrant of any kind.
You can see how the co-founder of the Reddit, Alexis Ohanian tried to call
Larry Page of Google and could not get through, so with other tech giants
like Facebook and Twitter in this YouTube video
So, my request to all of the members in the list please sign this petition.

Ahitagni Mandal

Twitter: @ahitagni <http://www.twitter.com/ahitagni>
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