[liberationtech] Personal Data Protection project in Kosovo

Teresa Crawford teresa at speakeasy.net
Thu Apr 18 08:50:35 PDT 2013

Greetings folks -

I have been a lurker on the list for the last few months but I know a few
old friends are on this list as well.

Two of my colleagues (in Kosovo and Serbia) are putting together a small
consortium to bid on a new EU program to promote personal data protection
in Kosovo.  It includes helping the GoK Office of Data Protection to
formulate regulations and policies, train staff, raise awareness of the law
with business, government and citizens.

The EU bidding requirement is for a consortium to be led by an organization
in an EU or IPA country with an annual budget of at least 2.5 million
Euros.  My colleagues organizations are too small so they are looking for a
consortium lead with technical expertise to offer as well.  The Serbian
group has been the lead on the development and promulgation of the law in
Serbia and the Kosovo group has also worked extensively with the government
to draft laws.

Given the topic of the list and the diverse membership I thought this list
would be a good place to post and see if anyone can recommend an
organization or works for an organization which might be a good partner.
 Remember size and location matters!

Contact me off list if you are interested in being connected with the folks
in the region.


Teresa Crawford | skype: crawte00 | cell: +1 917-873-6397 | e-mail: teresa_@
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