[liberationtech] GoAgent proxy

Cooper Quintin cooper at radicaldesigns.org
Wed Apr 17 14:49:52 PDT 2013

Can you tell me how you heard about it and what you are expecting it to
do?  What are the features of the software as far as you know?
Also, Applebaum's paper on breaking the security of VPN's aside, would
VPN's not be an acceptable solution?

Cooper Quintin
Technology Director
PGP Key ID: 75FB 9347 FA4B 22A0 5068 080B D0EA 7B6F F0AF E2CA

On 04/17/2013 02:23 PM, Wojtek Bogusz wrote:
> thank you.
>> ... has been independently verified to be reasonably secure if used right
>> by many experts and AFAIK this software has not.
> this is the reason i am asking on this list. hoping for answers and help.
>> I am hard pressed to think of a situation where using this would be 
>> preferable over TOR.
> it is when Tor is not working.
> i would appreciate any help in further understanding GoAgent software.
> regards, Wojtek
> --
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