[liberationtech] Explaining Different Types of Trust?

Michael Rogers michael at briarproject.org
Tue Apr 16 02:29:53 PDT 2013

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Hi Nick,

I think the kind of taxonomy you're talking about would be really
useful, both for educating users and for helping developers to focus
on the right threats. I'm currently reading "Folk Models of Home
Computer Security", which seems like it could provide some useful



On 16/04/13 02:25, Nick M. Daly wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Apologies for abusing the word "trust" some more, but I don't know
> what other word to use.  Feedback would be lovely.  Sorry for the
> cross-post.
> So, one of the goals folks worked out during FOSDEM was that each 
> FreedomBox package should be able to explain to the user in a 
> straightforward way (1) who the user is trusting, (2) for what
> purpose, (3) how that trust can be abused, and why such abuse would
> be bad for me (4).
> For example, with DNS requests (2), I trust my router, my ISP, my
> DNS host (possibly Google, if I use, and (if I'm unlucky)
> anywhere in-between (1).  Each of them can view the DNS requests I
> make and tamper with the responses (3), causing me to visit a
> fraudulent bank website, for example (4).  They could also record
> these requests permanently (3) allowing them to track (4) and
> advertise (4) relative to my movements.  Other harms based on that
> stored data are also imaginable, but perhaps too unlikely, in the
> average case, to be worth mentioning.
> Similar profiles can be drawn up for other services, such as
> Jabber, where an attacker can fake my buddy list and my buddies'
> conversations, and so forth.
> What are generic attacks that are service independent that would
> be widely useful here?  I'm thinking:
> - Can Learn (Profile) - Can Influence (Lie)
> What others would we need to cover all our (generic) bases? The 
> important bit is to list out the attack surfaces and explanations,
> on a per service basis.  Would it be possible to include generic
> explanations that can apply between services that cover the same
> purposes?  How would we organize this, at a framework level?
> I appreciate your thoughts and your time, Nick
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