[liberationtech] TomatoVPN

Katy P katycarvt at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 12:13:43 PDT 2013

So in this case, would it be better to have a VPN connection for each
device? (Hoping that the VPNs didn't conflict).

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Griffin Boyce <griffinboyce at gmail.com>wrote:

> Katy P <katycarvt at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This is in a location where there is a high level of surveillance.
>> I know that VPNs aren't perfect, but I have a need for speed as well.
>> (Child needs his Netflix.)
>>  I want a router-based solution rather than having to set up VPN on all
>> my devices in the home.
>> I will have a VPN when I'm out and about.
>> I've read about TomatoVPN. I routinely put alternative firmware on my
>> routers, but have never set up a VPN like this before.
>> Thanks!
>   Been there.  The real problem here is that you would probably attract a
> fair amount of attention from running a ton of traffic through the same VPN
> (thinking about Netflix or gaming here).  At a minimum, you'd want to have
> a separate VPN for your own personal use, which might negate TomatoVPN.
>  And I'm just assuming that the worst-case scenario in your location is a
> blocked VPN.  Obviously, in many locations, repercussions are far worse
> than that.  Proceed at your own risk.
> --
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