[liberationtech] Dissertation defense talk on One Laptop Per Child Monday, May 6, 12pm
Terry Winograd
winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Apr 11 22:13:04 PDT 2013
Morgan, I'd love to hear more but unfortunately I'll be in Israel/Palestine
that day. I just ran across your name when I saw an announcement of a talk
by someone from OLPC and looked up Wikipedia to see it's current state.
The Wikipedia article says "Mark Warschauer, a Professor of University of
California at Irvine and Morgan Ames, at the time of writing, a PhD
candidate at Hawaii University, have pointed out that the laptop by itself
does not completely fill the need of students in underprivileged countries."
Should I trust anything else it says?
I'd love to catch up some time, and congratulations on finishing the
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Morgan G. Ames <morganya at stanford.edu>wrote:
> I am thrilled to announce that I will be defending my dissertation, *From
> MIT to Paraguay: A Critical Historical and Ethnographic Analysis of One
> Laptop Per Child, *at noon on May 6, 2013. The first portion of my
> defense is a public talk and all are welcome to attend (and there will be
> food!). Details are below. Please add yourself to the Facebook invite at
> https://www.facebook.com/events/440879955993620/ or the Google+ invite at
> https://plus.google.com/events/can6q664pea0ta5epvdhc7mqqes so I know how
> much food to order and chairs to put out.
> - *What*: Morgan's dissertation defense
> - *When*: Monday, May 6, 2013, 12pm-1pm (public talk/questions)
> - *Where*: Mendenhall Library, 101a McClatchy Hall (building 120 in
> the main quad), Stanford, CA.
> - *Who*: me! <http://morganya.org/> Also my advisor Fred<http://fredturner.stanford.edu/>; my
> committee Cliff <http://www.stanford.edu/~nass/>, Jeremy<http://comm.stanford.edu/faculty-bailenson/>
> , Tanya<https://www.stanford.edu/dept/anthropology/cgi-bin/web/?q=node/105>
> and John <https://ed.stanford.edu/faculty/willinsk>; and my outside
> chair Scott <http://hci.stanford.edu/srk/>. And hopefully you!
> - *Why*: because I'm FINALLY FINISHING yo. And I'll be serving up some
> yummy lunch stuff if you come to listen to my talk.
> In addition to (or instead of) watching my defense, join me later that
> afternoon, at 4pm, at Martins West Gastropub (http://www.martinswestgp.com)
> at 831 Main Street in Redwood City for drinks in either celebration or
> condolences. Note that Martins West has free corkage for Monday happy hour!
> Again, please add yourself to the Facebook invite at
> https://www.facebook.com/events/530231990360654/ or the Google+ invite at
> https://plus.google.com/events/cu8i2222i2f22nhihk8r32ulslo so I have an
> approximate headcount.
> Maps, directions, and more information at
> http://research.morganya.org/defense.html
> Cheers,
> Morgan
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Morgan G. Ames
> http://morganya.org
> --
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