[liberationtech] Techno Activism 3rd Mondays - The Spring edition

Douwe Schmidt douwe at greenhost.nl
Thu Apr 11 10:40:35 PDT 2013

Date: Monday, April 15, 2013

Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup to connect activists and technologists who are interested in the challenges of surveillance and censorship. And anyone interested in free and open technology.

TA3M is explicitly informal and open: you are invited to hack the process, ask questions, and be critical. If you have something you want to share or discuss at the next or a later TA3M, tell the organizers.

This month's edition will be held in New York, San Francisco, Madison and Amsterdam. If you are interested in hosting your own 3rd Mondays event in your city, contact sandraordonez at openitp.org

Info and program by city for this coming Monday, April 15:

San Francisco: To be held at Noisebridge at 6:00pm For directions, visit https://www.noisebridge.net

Madison: This month's TA3M will be at Sector67. Proposed Topics: Intro to PGP and Keysigning (Bring your laptop so you can create a key and sign emails)

New York: Attention: This month's event will be hosted at Access Now offices. The address will be emailed you to once you RSVP:http://hacktivism.eventbrite.com/

Amsterdam: This month's edition will be held at Amsterdam's newest hacklab: LAG, a scrap-computer-shop-hacklab space. Presentations will be held on:
How to take part in Internet Governance, through your Regional Internet Registry community, Mesh Networking, Karma Server, SSHARK and topics participants bring to the table. For more info, visit: https://n-1.cc/g/ta3m | RSVP @ https://dudle.bof.nl/TA3M-4/

We hope you will join us at one of the TA3M events!

More info for all these events, visit: http://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism\_3rd\_mondays
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