[liberationtech] Article 19 Digital Security YouTube video

frank at journalistsecurity.net frank at journalistsecurity.net
Tue Apr 9 13:20:39 PDT 2013

The Paris-based NGO Article 19 has put some digital security videos on
YouTube that may be of interest to anyone involved or interested in
training. At the very least it shows an attempt to try and meet the need
for such information that has long gone unmet. Any comments or thoughts
one way or another about the video and its content would be helpful as
other groups including my organization begin moving in the same


Frank SmythExecutive DirectorGlobal Journalist
Securityfrank at journalistsecurity.netTel. + 1 202 244 0717Cell + 1 202
352 1736Twitter: @JournoSecurityWebsite: www.journalistsecurity.netPGP
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