[liberationtech] Securing Cyberspace in a World Without Borders - 4/11 - 4/12 at Stanford Law School
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Tue Apr 9 11:53:37 PDT 2013
Just a reminder...
Symposium: The Virtual Battlefield: Securing Cyberspace in a World Without
April 11, 2013 - April 12, 2013 at Stanford Law School, Crown Quadrangle
For tech-savvy Silicon Valley, there is nothing more important than a free
and open Internet. Yet recent reports of cyberattacks against top-tier
enterprises demonstrate a need for increased vigilance in defending the
networks that launched the Digital Age.
The *Stanford Journal of International
Law’s*<http://www.stanford.edu/group/sjil/>2013 Symposium, "The
Virtual Battlefield<https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=439395212803674&set=a.439395192803676.1073741825.295517640524766&type=1&theater>:
Securing Cyberspace in a World Without Borders," is an invitation for some
of the foremost experts in business, law, and technology to share insights
about global cyberthreats and cybersecurity.
The symposium will begin on Thursday, April 11th with a keynote address by
Dr. Hamadoun Touré, who presided over December’s controversial World
Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT). On Friday, April
12th, the symposium will continue with panels focusing on the nature of the
cyberthreat, private actors’ role in policing the Internet, and the
potential for multilateral treaties to resolve cybersecurity issues.
Thursday's session will begin at 6:00 PM in *Stanford Law School Room 290,
559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA
Friday's session will begin at 10:00 AM in *Schwab Hall, Vidalakis
Conference Room, 680 Serra Street, Stanford, CA
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