[liberationtech] "Online Collective Action and Policy Change" - Special issue of 'Policy & Internet': Now published

p_p p_p at lavabit.com
Mon Apr 8 11:00:32 PDT 2013

On 4/8/13 3:21 PM, Calderaro, Andrea wrote:
> Sorry for cross-posting
> *
> *
> *---*
> *Now Published: *
> *'Online Collective Action and Policy Change'  - **Special Issue of 
> "Policy and Internet" *
> *Guest Editors: *
> *Andrea Calderaro *(European University Institute) and *Anastasia 
> Kavada *(University of Westminster)
> /Abstract/
> The Internet has multiplied the platforms available to influence 
> public opinion and policy making. It has also provided citizens with a 
> greater capacity for coordination and mobilisation, which can 
> strengthen their voice and representation in the policy agenda. As 
> waves of protest sweep both authoritarian regimes and liberal 
> democracies, this rapidly developing field calls for more detailed 
> enquiry. However, research exploring the relationship between online 
> mobilisation and policy change is still limited. This special issue of 
> 'Policy and Internet' addresses this gap through a variety of 
> perspectives. Contributions to this issue view the Internet both as a 
> tool that allows citizens to influence policy making, and as an object 
> of new policies and regulations, such as data retention, privacy, and 
> copyright laws, around which citizens are mobilising. Together, these 
> articles offer a comprehensive empirical account of the interface 
> between online collective action and policy making.
> You can find the issue here: 
> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/poi3.v5.1/issuetoc
> and more information about it on the OII Policy & Internet blog:
> - Introducing its contents:http://blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk/policy/?p=854
> - Framing the issue : http://blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk/policy/?p=869 
> <http://blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk/policy/?p=869#more-869>
> *Table of Contents*
> 1. Editorial: "Challenges and Opportunities of Online Collective 
> Action for Policy Change"
> Andrea Calderaro and Anastasia Kavada
> 2. Networked Collective Action and the Institutionalized Policy 
> Debate: Bringing Cyberactivism to the Policy Arena?
> Stefania Milan and Arne Hintz
> 3. Digital Protest Skills and Online Activism Against Copyright Reform 
> in France and the European Union
> Yana Breindl and François Briatte
> 4. Activism and the Online Mediation Opportunity Structure: Attempts 
> to Impact Global Climate Change Policies?
> Julie Uldam
> 5. Online Campaigning Organizations and Storytelling Strategies: 
> GetUp! in Australia
> Ariadne Vromen and William Coleman
> 6. Hyperlinks as Political Resources: The European Commission 
> Confronted with Online Activism
> Romain Badouard and Laurence Monnoyer-Smith
> 7. The Domestication of Open Government Data Advocacy in the United 
> Kingdom: A Neo-Gramscian Analysis
> Jo Bates
> -----------------------------------------------
> Andrea Calderaro, PhD | European University Institute
> Center for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom | European University 
> Institute
> Chair "Internet and Politics" Standing Group - European Consortium of 
> Political Research (ECPR)
> NEWS: Guest Editor "Policy and Internet" special issue: "Online 
> Collective Action and Policy Change": http://bit.ly/XpQGSy
> -----------------------------------------------
> Personal Page: www.eui.eu/Personal/Researchers/calderaro/ 
> <http://www.eui.eu/Personal/Researchers/calderaro/>
> Twitter: @andreacalderaro
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