[liberationtech] FYI Random Hacks of Kindness ... Fwd: RHoK Community Newsletter

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Mon Apr 8 05:10:55 PDT 2013

At the local level I see lots of coders with a more or less "open
community" interest that includes open government and working with
community orgs or residents directly with the coding skills.

So, if you don't have a CfA Brigade in your area, you might want to look
for a RHoK group - http://www.rhok.org - (or a media focused Hack and
Hackers - http://hackshackers.com - group) in your area. And with major
events like hosting a local CityCamp - http://citycamp.com - or a local
event with the National Day of Civic Hacking - http://hackforchange.org -
developing local connections among these efforts has lots of potential.


Steven Clift - http://stevenclift.com
  Executive Director - http://E-Democracy.org
  Twitter: http://twitter.com/democracy
  Tel/Text: +1.612.234.7072

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RHoK <noreply at rhok.org>
Date: Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 6:00 AM
Subject: RHoK Community Newsletter
To: Steven <clift at publicus.net>

     Random Hacks of Kindness June 2013 is approaching! Lots of exciting
developments for the RHoK community.
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Apply for your June 2013 License to RHoK Today!
The June 1-2 2013 RHoK Global Hackathon is quickly approaching.
Sign up to host an event in your city

 OR Attend a RHoK

       RHoK Comes of Age As the RHoK community has matured, it has become
clear to sponsors and volunteers alike, that self-governance and democratic
decision making by the community is the only path forward that will ensure
the continued expansion of the volunteer base, the long term success of the
project’s mission and push the boundaries of the hackathon model. With this
in mind, we are proud to announce that throughout 2013 the RHoK Core Team
will be facilitating the transition of strategic decision making over to
the RHoK community. What will this transition look like? That's up to you!
We are formally inviting the entire RHoK community to participate in the
successful transition to self-governance. There are many details to be
decided upon and we are confident that we can 'hack' the RHoK model. If you
are interested in getting involved in this exciting process, please send a
request to thea.aldrich at rhok.org.

 RHoK US Participates in National Day of Civic Hacking
During the June 2013 Random Hacks of Kindness event, many US-based
locations will be participating in the National Day of Civic
event will bring together citizens, software developers, and entrepreneurs
from all over the America to collaboratively create, build, and invent new
solutions using publicly-released data, code and technology to solve
challenges relevant to our neighborhoods, our cities, our states and our
country. The event will leverage the expertise and entrepreneurial spirit
of those outside federal, state and local government to drive meaningful,
technology-based solutions for federal, state and local government.

While this event is officially occurring in US cities, RHoK would like to
encourage all locations to reach out to their local government agencies
to solicit problem definitions and data sets that can be utilized during
your hackathon. YOU can make a difference no matter where you live!
RHoK Introduces "Office Hours" Have you ever had a question or comment
about RHoK and wished you could get an answer immediately? Well, we are now
one step closer to that reality with the introduction of RHoK Office Hours.
If you are a SKYPE user, please add us at *randomhacks*, our new official
Skype account. This account will be online and open for live chatting
through June 2013. Please feel free to ping us with your questions,
comments or just to say hi! If these time do not work for your schedule,
please email thea.aldrich at rhok.org to set up an appointment.
*RHoK Office Hours Schedule*
Monday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm GMT
Wednesday 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm GMT
Friday 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm GMT
   Schoolhouse RHoK It was only a matter of time before hacking for
humanity became an all ages endeavor. With this goal in mind, Fraser Woods
Montessori School in Newtown, CT is presenting RHoK
. The event, which will take place on Saturday, May 4, 2013, offers
elementary school students (4th – 8th grade) from across Connecticut the
opportunity to explore the power of computing by developing technical
solutions to practical problems.

RHoK JR will bring together technology experts (university professors,
college students, high school teachers and students) and elementary
students to create Smartphone Apps, websites or educational games to help
local causes.

RHoK JR marks the first dedicated RHoK event for school-age kids. We would
like to encourage all who are interested to organize similar events in your
own community.
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  *Copyright © 2013 RHoK All rights reserved.*

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