[liberationtech] Why Bluecoat?

Kate Krauss katie at critpath.org
Sat Apr 6 09:14:50 PDT 2013

To me, the real question is, *If* Bluecoat, why are things going so well
for them when they are a 45 minute drive from activists in San Francisco?
Happy to explain--off this list--what this means in terms of political
strategy and offline, nonviolent direct action.

This is definitely not an indictment of any group--there's amazing activism
going on an a zillion fires to put out.

But there are great opportunities to be explored.

Kate Krauss
(formerly of ACT UP Golden Gate, a group that successfully targeted major
companies on the peninsula, from SF)

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Jillian C. York <jilliancyork at gmail.com>wrote:

> Honestly?  Because there is ample evidence to support it at the moment.  I
> would also suggest that it's only "singled out" in the US - in Europe, the
> focus right now is on Gamma (FinFisher) and Amesys, largely.
> Activists have been accused in the past of "singling out" Cisco as well.
>  Attention has now turned to Bluecoat.  When there is evidence of another
> company's misdeeds, attention will surely turn there.
> Is that sufficient logic for you?
> On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb <ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org
> > wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi,
>> I've been thinking about this for a while, and can't find a logical
>> reason. Possibly I'm not thinking about it hard enough.
>> I'm curious as to why Bluecoat seem to be singled out for all this
>> attention regarding use in countries where the governments are "not nice"?
>> Is it because they are a public, well known company? A lot the same stories
>> repeat the same stories of Bluecoat equipment being used in the same
>> oppressive regimes.
>> As someone who worked in ISP level infrastructure for a while (thankfully
>> no longer), I've seen the equipment used "for neutral uses" - network
>> management, etc.
>> However, there are a lot more sinister and disgusting companies who's
>> products *sole-purpose* is surveillance and censorship, and sole market is
>> those oppressive countries we talk about on this list.
>> My point of view is not to defend Bluecoat, quite the opposite, but there
>> are nastier and uglier fish out there.
>> Can anyone set me right, or give an opinion? On or off list is fine.
>> thanks,
>> Bernard
>> - --------------------------------------
>> Bernard / bluboxthief / ei8fdb
>> IO91XM / www.ei8fdb.org
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