[liberationtech] Syria Digital Security Monitor

Rafal Rohozinski r.rohozinski at psiphon.ca
Wed Apr 3 09:39:36 PDT 2013

The SecDev Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the Syria Digital Security Monitor. This site  maps and visualizes reports of disruption to  critical infrastructure in Syria which includes internet, telecommunication, electricity and water, and reports on cyber threats. The project is based upon a crowd sourced effort that relies on reports by Syrians and extensive monitoring of Syrian social media. The data used for the monitor is captured in SecDev Foundation’s Ushahidi website. https://ushahidi.layer8.org/

The timeline site can be accessed here: http://syriamonitor.layer8.org/index-ar.php

The Syria Digital Security Monitor part of  the SecDev Foundation's ongoing project to support digital safety and security for Syrian civil society.   We provide access to a range   resources in Arabic including access to secure communication tools as well as information on digital security and safety.  Visit the website at: http://syria.secdev.com/

We are always looking for new ideas, so if you have any constructive comments and suggestions, please feel free to respond on this list, or directly by email.



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