[liberationtech] SUBSCRIPTION

David Miller david at deadpansincerity.com
Wed Apr 3 06:20:52 PDT 2013

On 3 April 2013 13:47, Maxim Kammerer <mk at dee.su> wrote:

> Should I remind that this was *also* the result of a vote on 21.8.2012?

Maybe a periodic vote about what colours to paint the various bike sheds
would be useful?

Have we had votes on:
* The name of the list
* The format of the subject line

Come to think of it, Mailman has loads of settings [1] and I could be
convinced to have a strong opinion about

>> "Text sent to people leaving the list. If empty, no special text will be
added to the unsubscribe message."

[1] http://staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar/mailman/mailman-administration-v2.html

Love regards etc

David Miller
07854 880 883
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