[liberationtech] Fwd: Invitation to HEX -Digital Cultures seminar October 4 - Professor Lisbeth Klastrup "Friending the enemy"

Marcin de Kaminski marcin at dekaminski.se
Wed Sep 26 11:49:38 PDT 2012

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      Distribute freely - apologies if you receive double copies (you
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      Friending the Prime Minister – The Culture and Use of Political
      Interaction on Social Media <http://hyphoff.kult.lu.se/hex/?p=568>


*WITH:* Lisbeth Klastrup who works as Associate Professor at the
IT-University of Copenhagen, where she is affiliated with the Digital
Culture and Communication and Media Research Groups. She has studied the
culture and use of online worlds and social media format since 1999, and
is currently working on a book on social network media.

*LECTURE:* What happens when people start friending their prime minister
and politicians wash all their dirty laundry in front of a curious
social media audience? In recent years, politicians and political
parties have started to use social media extensively as part of their
political campaigning in relation to local and national elections for
parliament. What does “political life” in social media look like
currently and historically, and how do users in fact engage with
politics and politicians? Is there such a thing as a “political culture”
in the social media sphere and if so, what does it look like? This
lecture will discuss these questions and more, primarily based on the
study of use of social media in Danish election campaigns from 2005 to 2011.

*LAB:* In the lab, we will follow up on the lecture, first by short
group work where you discuss your own use of social media in a political
context, and then followed by joint discussion and commentary.

*WHEN? *4 October, 13.15–16.00
13.15-14.45 Lecture + Q & A
** short break **
15.00-16.00 Exercises in the computer lab

*WHERE?* Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund. Room 201, in
Kulturanatomen at Biskopsgatan 7.

*HOW:* Drop in. It is not mandatory to announce your participation ahead
of time, but it is much appreciated!

Please email: jessica.enevold at kultur.lu.se
<mailto:jessica.enevold at kultur.lu.se>

For previous lectures in the series see the archive:

is a cross-disciplinary experimental humanities and social science
research platform funded by the Faculty of Humanities and Theology, at
Lund University.The aim of the experimental research group, HEX, founded
in 2005, is to make possible the organizing and creating of events and
products (books, films, installations) that are academically and
artistically innovative. HEX serves as a think tank and a breeding
ground for new research projects incorporating formats that go beyond
the ordinary lecture or publication format; for example, in November
2010, Sweden’s first Science Slam was arranged by HEX (for all
activities see www.hex.lu.se <http://www.hex.lu.se/>).

*The Digital Cultures and Games Lecture and Lab*.../Digital Cultures Seminar
is a HEX-funded seminar series that features international scholars of
various disciplines well versed in the various fields of digital
culture. The seminars consist of a lecture and a hands-on laboratory
session in order to illustrate and make concrete what the research
lectured on is truly about. The seminar series aims to bring together
scholars from a variety of disciplines with the goal of familiarizing a
wide culturally interested audience, including scholars, professors as
well as students, and laymen to various digital cultures including
games. The seminar series is open to all and conducted in English.

Jessica Enevold, PhD, Researcher and Lecturer
Lund University, Dept. of Arts and Cultural Sciences
jessica.enevold at kultur.lu.se <mailto:jessica.enevold at kultur.lu.se>

"Gaming Moms"  - research project, see: http://gamingmoms.wordpress.com

HEX- Humanist Experimental Group:
*Digital Cultures and Games Seminar series
www.hex.lu.se <http://www.hex.lu.se>

Researcher, Programme K - "Games and Play  - For Better For Worse"

Course Coordinator:
Master of Applied Cultural Analysis:
TKAM02 (Master's Thesis)

Bachelor of Digital Cultures
DIKA11 (Dig. Cultures: Theories - Introduction)

Managing Editor, Game Studies
www.gamestudies.org <http://www.gamestudies.org>
enevold at gamestudies.org <mailto:enevold at gamestudies.org>

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