[liberationtech] Free Weave data visualization software trainings in Boston, MA, USA

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Mon Sep 24 10:50:43 PDT 2012

Dear Liberation Tech Colleagues

These days, anyone who stands next to me for more than five minutes
gets to hear about what a great resource the Weave platform is for
nonprofits.  :-)

Seriously, now - Weave can help you show your stakeholders what
challenges your organization is addressing, and what successes you are
having in fulfilling your mission.

Not only is the Weave software free, but you can now sign up for free
trainings to learn how to use it!

Trainings are held in Boston once a month, October through April.
(The next date is October 4th at 1:00 pm.)

To register, just follow this link:

You might also want to check out these links as well:

MetroBoston Data Common (a project of the Metropolitan Area Planning
Council and the Boston Indicators Project at the Boston Foundation)

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Boston Indicators Project at the Boston Foundation

In other words, the Weave project is an extremely crucial part of a
regional effort to not only share data sets about topics of public
interest, but to provide useful analyses and calls to action on issues
that affect us all.  Shouldn't your nonprofit be involved?

Best regards from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Strategist and Consultant
Technology for the Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sector

Please note new mailing address:
304 Newbury Street #275
Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA

Email: deborah.elizabeth at finn.com
Skype: Deborah909
Twitter: Deborah909
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah909
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Deborah.Elizabeth.Finn
Mobile phone:  1-617-504-8188
Voicemail: 1-617-958-1959

I bring resources and needs together for nonprofits and
philanthropies, mostly through strategic use of information
and communication technologies.

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