[liberationtech] Viber Security and Privacy

Katrin Verclas katrin at mobileactive.org
Fri Sep 21 10:01:39 PDT 2012

Thanks, Talmon, for replying.  

This leaves a lot of questions open, unfortunately. There is a lengthy thread on Viber security on the Stanford University Liberation Technology list with a number of security experts, so copying your response to the list.



On Sep 21, 2012, at 12:37 PM, Talmon Marco wrote:

> Dear Katrin,
> My name is Talmon Marco and I am Viber's CEO. The question you sent to
> our Privacy/Support team was brought to my attention.
> Generally speaking, absent physical or software access to the device
> message sent via Viber should be considered secured and fully
> encrypted between the user and the server. That means that Viber has
> the technical capability to access messages. To date, we have never
> done this, but this is something that could be developed.
> Voice may or may not pass through our servers (depending on network
> conditions). Voice is scrambled, but not encrypted. So someone who
> manages to capture the voice packets going between users may, in
> theory be able to access the audio. They will need a good
> understanding of what we do, but theoretically, it's possible.
> Identity, login, etc. are fully encrypted, protected by secret keys
> and all the other "right things". However, if you are using an Irani
> phone number as your ID, it stands to reason that Irani government
> could register the same number and access the activation SMS. You may
> want to register using a non Irani number - pinger, for example, gives
> away free US numbers.
> As for warrants, we generally accept warrants but only from countries
> where we believe due process exists. Iran does not fall under this
> category and as such we will not be accepting warrants issued by Iran.
> I hope this addresses your question.
> Kind Regards,
> Talmon
> ---
> Talmon Marco, CEO
> Viber Media, Inc.
> Sent from my Phone

Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org

skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191

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