[liberationtech] Facebook wants you to snitch?

Paul Bernal (LAW) Paul.Bernal at uea.ac.uk
Thu Sep 20 14:53:43 PDT 2012

I've been following a story on twitter and wondered if anyone knew the background - and in particular, whether it's true!

The story suggests that Facebook is experimenting with asking people to confirm whether their friends are who they say they are: here's a tweet about it.


The implications are obvious - but quite important. Facebook has had a 'real names' policy for a while, but they haven't to my knowledge been using this kind of way of verifying/enforcing it before.

A German online magazine has suggested it's being trialled - I wondered if anyone had any information or confirmation that it's been happening, or that my reading of t is correct?

Help would be much appreciated

Paul Bernal

Sent from my iPhone

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