[liberationtech] Open Call: Alternatives to Google and Facebook

Geert Lovink geert at desk.nl
Tue Sep 18 05:15:31 PDT 2012

Open Call: Alternatives to Google and Facebook

What are alternatives to an increasingly centralized and privatized  
internet landscape as cultivated by Google and Facebook? At the  
conference „Digital Backyards“ (Berlin, Oct. 18-20) 50 experts from  
all over Europe are looking for answers. The conference is partitioned  
into a semi-open „Networking Lounge“ and „Public Talks“ that are  
accessible to a broad audience.

The barcamp-style „Networking Lounge“ takes place on October 18th and  
19th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Journalists, activists, bloggers,  
researchers, entrepreneurs, cultural workers and programmers define  
their own issues and questions.

For the „Networking Lounge“ please register until September 30th with  
a short letter of motivation here: info(at)berlinergazette.de  
Registration fee is 20 Euro.

Further info here:

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